

Meet the team!

Learn more about the Marie Originals team.


Sammy is our down-to-earth COO who is firmly rooted in his passion for natural health. In his spare time, Sammy enjoys gardening, and is well-versed in horticulture. In addition, he is an EMT for our local EMS squad, devoting his time to saving lives. placeholder

Sammy Goodman

A powerhouse and strategist, supercharged by his plant-powered lifestyle, Chaim makes sure to just do it—you name it—he gets it done. He is reliable, proactive, and assumes the role as our office DJ, while making sure operations are running smoothly. He keeps things moving—including the beat. placeholder

Chaim Roth
VP of Operations

The ultimate multitasker and young-spirited individual, Sammy does it all with a smile. He balances various tasks, such as being in touch with retailers, ensuring that products are shipped to customers on time, and even does some part-time modeling. placeholder

Sammy Friedman

Nussi is our graphic designer who ...

Nussi Gottfried
Graphic Designer

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Mo Dergel
Account Growth Manager

The newest member at Marie Originals, Bojana is our marketing director. In her free time, she loves to hike, watch horror movies, and bake.

Bojana Dackovic
Marketing Director

About Us

We're a fast-growing, independently owned, small business that believes in working together to get things done. If you're a curious-minded individual who is constantly learning and looking to grow alongside a rapidly growing business, check out our job listings below. 

Open positions

Regional Sales Manager (based out of NY)

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Item Price Qty Total
Subtotal $0.00

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